

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ole Miss Football 2011

This past Saturday was the first Ole Miss game of the season.  Will has been listening to the band CD for several weeks, so he was excited and ready.  I think he would have gone to the grove at 8am and stayed all day!

In college I used to buy "grove" outfits - outfits I thought would look cute to wear to the game.  Oh how my thinking has shifted - I now think about what Garrison is going to wear!  Well, I think he was the cutest dress little boy there.  Mom and I (really just mom) made these pants for him.  And he wore his white linen shirt because it was Labor Day weekend, and Will said he can't wear linen after Labor Day!

Taking him to the grove this year was a little more successful than last.  He didn't cry this year, but he did try to run to everyone else's tent!  It's exhausting to try to keep up with a toddler!

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